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Cast Biographies
Lou Frizzell

Dusty Rhoades

Born: June 10, 1920-June 16, 1979
Character: Dusty Rhoades

        Lou Frizzell played Dusty Rhoades, an old friend of Ben's, who accompanies Jamie to the Ponderosa, and is hired on as the new ranch foreman, although his performance paled considerably, next to the extraordinary David Canary's performance, and the character was simply an addition.
       Lou Frizzell was in various TV shows and movies, and passed away in 1979, still a decent actor in his own rights.  He was excellent as the stable owner Tom, who attempted to frame Joe for murder, but thanks to Hop Sing for proving him innocent!!
Visit the IMDb for Lou Frizzell's filmography!
Cast Bios:  Lorne Greene  Pernell Roberts  Dan Blocker  Michael Landon
Guy Williams  David Canary  Victor Sen Yung  Ray Teal  Bing Russell
Mitch Vogel  Tim Matheson  Supporting Actors  Stunt Doubles
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