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Chavez Ravine
Elysian Park, California

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        Chavez Ravine is located in the Elysian Park area near the city of Los Angeles.  Segments of the pilot "A Rose For Lotta" were filmed here in April 1959 to simulate the High Sierra.  The region has changed quite a bit, since that was 47 years ago.  Dodger Stadium and urbanization is in the approximate region, but there are still some of the hillsides left intact above the 110 freeway and Interstate 5.  You can see the hillsides above you, as you drive along the 110 freeway or if you drive around the Dodger Stadium area on other roads.

DIRECTIONS: Take the Harbor Freeway, the 110 , and exit at the Dodger Stadium exit, and you can peek at what land is still untouched, and go see the game!

Hot Link!Visit Chavez Ravine/Dodger Stadium!

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