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Welcome to Bonanza: Scenery of the Ponderosa

Shay Ranch
Big Bear Lake, California

Shay Ranch

Shay Ranch

Shay Ranch
Photos are the property of Jerry Schnieder
and cannot be used without written permission.

       The Shay Ranch was a working cattle ranch during the majority of its filming years.  The cabin set built for the 1940 feature "Brigham Young--Frontiersman", starring Tyrone Power, still stands today.  There were also various outbuildings built for other films over the years.  The only "Bonanza" episode to be filmed at the ranch was "The Truckee Strip" in September 1959.  In the story, the Shay Ranch depicted the ranch of cattleman Luther Bishop with his daughter Amy, and all the other shots were done at the east and west shores encompassing Big Bear Lake.  The ranch land has been subdivided and the cabin is on the private property of the Inn Der Bach at 1351 Midway Blvd, just south of Shay Road.

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