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Old Tucson

Photos used are the property of Stephen Lodge
and may not be used without written permission.

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       Old Tucson is a famous filming site in Arizona that has been very popular in television and films.  It's comprised of a town set and adjacent foothills that encircle it on a high plateau with lovely vistas of the desert.  Portions of twelve's "The Power of Life and Death", "Top Hand", and "The Desperado" were filmed here.  Michael Landon would later film segments of "Little House On The Prairie", "Father Murphy", and "Highway To Heaven" here.

DIRECTIONS From San Diego: Take I-8 east through the Colorado Desert into Arizona, about 5 hours, then get on I-10 in Casa Grande, eastbound until you arrive in Old Tucson.

From Los Angeles: Take I-10 through California, east into Arizona, through Tempe and Mesa, and continue past Casa Grande and in about an hour you will reach Old Tucson.

Click to see photos!Click here to see Old Tucson landscapes!

Click to see photos!Click here to see Old Tucson ranches & forts!

Click for photos!To see photos, visit the Movie Making Locations Website!

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